Friday, 31 March 2017

Good morning to you

Monday, 27 March 2017

Find out the funny coconut...?

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Basic first aid

Do not move the casualty unnecessanly Keep hm warm,  Make a digrosas decde the reatmert ao reat Renner ter a AaC first Ad See hes airways are cear that he is breathng and ris bood canciator s:arent.

RESPIRATION is taling,  give antca respiration MOUTH to MOUTH or MOUTH to NOSE.

BLEEDING Arrest the bieeding and protect the wound.  Apply drect or ndirect pressure Cover we a ressr;  apov a pac ac tem bandage.  Elevate the wounded part above the level o hean to STOP BLEEDNG FRACTURES IMMOBILISE the fractured part with a wea padded sttt support reachang me onts on erer sape oty:aruays ed her side of the ste and at the orts or efther side Atm suopon.

BURNS AND SCALDS A bum is caused by dry hea!  and a scad by moist hear ike seam.  very hot water or MtEATE.Y coo ee anea with cold water for 15 mins.  pain substdes DO NOT brea bisters,  or apply ary ng on the arrs Coeer a sterie or dean doth,  pad and bandage.  Gre tuds.

5,  NOSE BLEEDING Sti hm u facng the breeze with the head sighty forward Asi trear rougr ne nue and NC has nose Apoty a coid compress Dver the nose The part of the nose may oe onche:  pose at ngers uns.  Cond application on une back of the neck and fore ead may rep

BEE STING Do not press the bag(of the stngi Use toreceps and remave ine stsng Apon coa or weak ammona

7.  ANIMAL BITES Wash with soap and plenry of water Locse panda.E may be apied Get auck mexa ao

SNAKE BITES Keep patient calm wasn with plenty of water and suap DC NOT RU8 rad Fins apo a consmare sersage x the reart side d the bre.  Not lo be appled contruously tor more man 20 mms De not rose or arency te wouris Get avg quicKay Try to certty me srake. 

FAINTING Lay him down and oosen the dothng around chest and wast Tum head w one sde phe egs znay:e nses a tte DO NOT attempt to gve any solicts or baads.  On recovery.  sral auansty of a rank Tay:e ver he may allowed to SA up and move ater rest 

Today world

Saturday, 11 March 2017

The Fountain of Apollo-fountain at the Palace of Versailles.

Palace of Versailles Gardens 13.JPGIt is a amortizing one. The Fountain of Apollo  is a fountain at the Palace of Versailles. It depicts the Greek sun god Apollo rising from the sea at daybreak in his four-horse chariot. He is accompanied by Tritons. In 1639, Louis XIII had a pond dug on the site of the fountain called the Pond of the Swans. In 1671, Louis XIV enlarged the pond. Le Brun suggested it be dedicated to Apollo based on its east-west orientation. The parallels drawn between Louis and the sun god also entered into the decision. Le Brun's Apollo is seen sitting in his four-horse chariot. He rises from the grotto of Thetys where he has spent the night. This theme was popular in the arts at the time. The gilded statue was made by Tuby of Rome. It was installed in 1671. Beyond the fountain lies the Grand Canal. The Fountain of Apollo incorrectly depicts Apollo rising in the west rather than the east. In 2014, a same-scale replica was unveiled in Tainan, Taiwan, at the entrance of the Chimei Museum The museum commissioned French artist Gills Perrault in 2008 to reproduce the Fountain of Apollo, same as the one in Palace of Versailles. It took three years for modern laser measuring and the mold to be made in France for the reproduction sculpture, and another three years to carve the marble in Italy.

Sunday, 5 March 2017

Beautiful place

Ultrasound usages

Ultrasound is sound waves with frequencies higher than the upper audible limit of human hearing. Ultrasound is no different from 'normal' (audible) sound in its physical properties, except in that humans cannot hear it. This limit varies from person to person and is approximately 20 kilohertz (20,000 hertz) in healthy, young adults. Ultrasound devices operate with frequencies from 20 kHz up to several gigahertz.

Ultrasound is used in many different fields. Ultrasonic devices are used to detect objects and measure distances. Ultrasound imaging or sonography is often used in medicine. In the nondestructive testing of products and structures, ultrasound is used to detect invisible flaws. Industrially, ultrasound is used for cleaning, mixing, and to accelerate chemical processes. Animals such as bats and porpoises use ultrasound for locating prey and obstacles.Scientist are also studying ultrasound using graphene diaphragms as a method of communication.

Morning thought.