Divorce is a form of marriage dissolution. It is commonly found as a process after
separation and sometimes after desertion. Divorce occur only after marriage. Divorce weaks
breaks the familial relationship. The causes of divorce may be social or personal. And the
consequences of divorce are also affect personal and social life. But divorce affects the
growth of population. Divorce events bear a positive co-relationship with age. More divorce
are occurring in the later period of marital life in India. But the western experiences are
different. In those societies divorce rate is higher immediately after the marriage and within
five years after marriage .
Divorce bear a direct impact on the demographic process in the
form of production in reproductive period. This influence the total fertility rate.
Separation is a state in the marriage life of a couple when they do not live together
due to some reasons. Separation is found in two forms:
1. Separation because of personal reason
2. Separation before divorce. Before divorce informal arbitration may be made. If it fails the legal
separation occur. Separation may be due to physical inability, imprisonment, military
service etc. Legal separation is break up of marriage contract. The impotency of
male member, infecundity, diseases etc are some significant reasons for divorce.
Divorce is a developed form of separation. After divorce remarriage is
possible . In separation there is a possibility of living together by partners. But
usually in divorce this chance is minimum. Divorce is quite different annulment.
Marriage annulement may be enforced in the case of violation of any law. A divorce
can be obtained on account of any event in married life.
The different ways used to
determine the frequency of divorce are:
1. Annual divorce per 1000 mid year population
2. Divorce in a specific year per 100 annual marriage
3. Annual divorce per 100 couples or per 1000 married persons in a mid year
4. Annual divorce difference on the basis of age of wife and husbands in relation
to their marriage periods
Divorce rates are the absolute number of divorces granted each per year for 1000 persons
present in the population at the mid year. Crude Rate of Divorce is indicator of the gross
addition to the marriage population and from the marriage segment. Thus the estimation of
divorce helps to analyse the changes occurring in the population. In India the study of
divorce cannot be made easily as we are not getting it correct records in Divorce. Man
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