Office automation deals with the application of information technology in office
environments to support typical office tasks. The term office automation refers to all
tools and methods that are applied to office activities which make it possible to process
written, visual, and sound data in a computer aided manner. Office automation
involves the planned application of integrated information handling tools and methods
to improve the productivity of people in office operations.
Paul Grefen defines “Office automation is the field of business information technology
that aims at designing and implementing office information systems from both the
perspectives of office organization and information technology”.
Office automation includes the following activities.
Exchange of information
Management of administrative documents
* Handling of numerical data
Meeting planning and management of work schedules
Office automation is a system that create, store, modify, display and communicate
business information in written, verbal or video form. The main objectives of office
automation are as follows.
1. To save labour
This is the main reason for office automation. Automation leads in saving labour. Due
to office automation the company achieves a reduction in the total wage payment.
2. To save time
Automation is also necessary because it save time in performing various office
activities. All the work can be completed within the stipulated time. The time saved can
be effectively utilized for other fruitful purposes.
3. To achieve accuracy
One of the main objectives of office automation is to achieve greater accuracy in
generating and distributing information. All documents and records kept in the office
thus becomes error free.
4. To avoid monotony in office works
Office automation gives great relief to the employees from the monotonous nature of
work. The new system improves morale and improves the chances of recruiting better
staff for doing the office work.
5. To reduce the chances of committing fraud
The value of office automation lies in the fact it reduces the chances of committing
fraud by employees of organization. It is too difficult to commit fraud in automated
office system by bad employees.
6. To ensure uniformity in work
Office automation is also necessary to get neat, legible and uniform type of reports and
documents. Analysis also will be obtained automatically at the time of entering data in
to the record itself.
7. To achieve greater control on information
With the help of office automation, the management can achieve greater control on
information. Management gets accurate information quickly so that office work can be
performed more efficiently
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